Another day, another ER visit
-- sign on wall of exam room
I had such a miserable night last night. Around 3am, I was awakened by my ibuprofen buzz wearing off.
BAM! The pain just started with no warning.
My cheekbones and forehead and nose hurt so bad, I was crying like a baby waiting for the next dose to kick in. Crying too hard to even do those white light healing visualization exercises.
In the morning, I tried to get into a clinic Matt's family swears by. Unfortunately, no new patient appointments available for at least 1-2 weeks.
So this afternoon I went to the ER again... but this time at the other hospital in town.
As you may recall from my last post, the PA at the first hospital told me I was just suffering from allergies, nothing that required antibiotics or anything.
A funny thing happened on my way to my death bed.
I was absolutely right in seeking a second opinion.
In about 30 seconds upon being looked at, it was determined I have cellulitis in my nose. This is a dangerous infection that can easily spread to the brain if not caught quickly.
Within minutes, a nurse was tapping at my veins and poking a needle in my hand. They gave me an IV dose of Rocephin... and a prescription for Cephalexin.
I have to go back tomorrow for a follow-up.
At least this time my prescription was only four bucks at Wal-Mart.
You should not have to pay for the first ER visit. That's ridiculous.
Damn! That sucks. I would write to the first hospital and tell them why you're not paying for their misdiagnosis: the additional suffering they caused you and the danger they put you in by f*cking up.
They're not getting a penny.
Good!! So glad to see you won't be paying them!!